'An Appearance' - by Sylvia Plath

Monday, May 17, 2010

Efter Brylluppet

I recently watched the Danish film 'After the Wedding' with Denmark's hottest Dane, Mads Mikkelsen. Seriously, a wonderfully looking man...and apparently he was a dancer? Who'd have known.. anyways - the FILM: Not what I expected from the trailer! (Which, on a side note, just goes to show you how trained we are nowadays to judge films based on trailers and how our expectations are normally met because technically with the length and spoilerness of them we've seen the whole movie before we've actually seen the whole movie. hrumph.)

I actually enjoyed the idea that is tossed around the whole film, the idea that we can be forced into roles that we never thought we'd fill within minutes. There are soap-opera like twists and turns through the film and not once did I want to roll my eyes. Mads is maddeningly pretty though, and that might have helped get me through some of the crazy moments. I enjoyed Susan Bier's direction in the tense moments, shots upon shots of eyes and mouths, waiting, anticipating, frightened, shocked. Very captivating and made it all the less overdramatic.

Also, on a final note, the little boy that plays Pramod who Jacob (Mads' character) has looked after in India is possibly the cutest child ever. I could have watched their scenes together for hours.

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