'An Appearance' - by Sylvia Plath

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ugh, it's been another one of those low energy, low motivation, low stamina weeks. What's going on? I should be happy and (to use a horrible cliché) 'at the top of my game'. I've got to just push through I guess.

I made these really interesting (I'm getting used to the taste) alternative lentil burgers tonight. Yay protein - you have been sorely lacking from my body lately. I haven't tried them in all their glory with all the fixin's yet but will soon.

I recently discovered the band I Blame Coco...and not to ruin this girl's attempt to separate from parental fame, but it's Sting's daughter! Man does she ever sound like him. And some of her tracks remind me of The Police melodies. Here's one of the tracks I like best. It's fuckin catchy!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Black Swan

Obviously since my last post I have reconcilled with my sibling-kin. I think we were both pretty tired and to be honest I don't even remember what the fight was about. Such is the way of the world.

So I went and saw for myself last night what all the hype was about Black Swan. PHEW. It was phenomenal. Certainly a film for artists, or even for anyone who beats themselves up about achieving perfection. It was hauntingly beautiful, the last half-hour of the film was definitely the most exciting. I was clinging to my seat.

Another interesting thing was that I felt like I wanted to beat the mother character up the whole time. I've never felt that way towards a mother figure in a film. As a woman it seemed like a general rule not to feel that way. But somehow I kept balling my hands into fists whenever she spoke up!

There were a lot of moments where I thought, wow, there's something I've never seen on film before. I'd like to think I've seen a lot of movies, so I think that's a big statement. Maybe it wasn't so much to do with the subject matter of these moments, but more with the way they were shot because I felt the perspective and technique of some of the frames were brilliantly executed. There was a lot of humor in some moments (which may or may not have been intentional) (I'd like to hope that Mr. Arronovsky is THAT good)

One of those perhaps unintentionally hilarious moments came when this^ actress spouted the line, "You stole my things?" Oh, the irony. Also playing a decaying star. Not that she isn't still in her prime...Er.. No seriously, I've never been a fan...

^best, most cathartic, shaking moment of the film.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Millenium is Officially in Puberty

Well 2011 is here... and I was fortunate enough to bring in the New Year with family and friends (old and new) (and someone we picked off the street) (sorta) (in a good way though, she was really nice)

Some words of wisdom from my girl SYLVIA:


They enter as animals from the outer
Space of holly where spikes
Are not thoughts I turn on, like a Yogi,
But greenness, darkness so pure
They freeze and are.

O God, I am not like you
In your vacuous black,
Stars stuck all over, bright stupid confetti.
Eternity bores me,
I never wanted it.

What I love is
The piston in motion . . .
My soul dies before it.
And the hooves of the horses,
There merciless churn.

And you, great Stasis . . .
What is so great in that!
Is it a tiger this year, this roar at the door?
It is a Christus,
The awful
God-bit in him
Dying to fly and be done with it?
The blood berries are themselves, they are very still.

The hooves will not have it,
In blue distance the pistons hiss.

I won't make a resolution, I can hope that I will TRY and DO. Fuck.. between that last sentence and now I was skyping with my sister and somehow we ended up in a fight. That's not what I wanted to happen! Arg. Not a good end to a new year's post. Unfortunately I can't save it now...